To develop an IT product successfully, you need a good team of developers, analysts, testers, and designers. But strangely, project managers often get less attention. Why is that?

The reason is simple: when everything goes smoothly and according to plan, the manager's role may seem minimal or even unnecessary. They work quietly, making sure things happen on time and within the budget.

However, should issues arise, such as missed deadlines, poor testing, or numerous bugs, the project manager is the first one in the spotlight, facing criticism and pressure either to resolve the problems or to quit. Many believe that without an “incompetent” project manager, the project itself stands a better chance of success.

In reality, an experienced IT project manager plays a key role in the success of any project. Here are some situations that show why.

Planning and work organization

When a developer is busy with their own task, they might not see the whole project. That's where the project manager comes in. They're like the architect of the project, making sure everything fits together and matches the big picture. They plan tasks, manage who does what, and keep track of time, so developers can concentrate on their work.

Plus, when new tasks or changes come up, the project manager makes sure they fit into the plan smoothly, keeping everything on track.

Risk management

Managing risks is super important in project management. It's the project manager's job to find and fix possible problems before they get worse. For example, if a developer is going on vacation, the manager will get someone else to fill in and make sure they know what to do. By dealing with problems before they happen, the project manager stops delays and makes sure things get done on time.

Team supervision

Watching over the team is a big job for the project manager. They have to check on how everyone's doing and give helpful feedback. That means noticing when things go well and giving praise, but also pointing out mistakes when they happen.

It's important to know that a developer or anyone else on the team can't really be the project manager. Even if they're great at their own jobs, it would be hard for them to keep an eye on everyone else while also doing their own work.


Communication is really important in project management, especially when making sure clients and developers understand each other. Developers might struggle to explain technical stuff to clients, and that's where the project manager comes in.

The project manager is like a middleman, who can speak both business and technical languages. They need to know both well, so they can tell everyone what's needed and how things are going.

Also, the project manager collects information from everyone involved and shares it with the right people, so everyone knows what's happening.

To sum up

The project manager plays a big role in finishing a project successfully. They plan tasks, handle risks, watch over the team, and talk to clients. They also decide who does what, keep paperwork organized, and do other important but less obvious jobs.

When you think about how much time all this takes, it's clear that project management can't be mixed with coding or testing. It's best to focus on what you're good at: developers are great at coding, while project managers are great at managing projects.

Learn more about how a project manager helps you save resources here

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