In this article, we’re exploring VALT, a video surveillance system that’s generating $9.7 million in revenue. 

This article is part of a series where we share the exciting projects we’ve been working on. In each article, we'll introduce you to a different project, explaining what it does, how it works, and how we’ve met our clients’ needs.

Now, let’s take a closer look at VALT with this video overview.

Project Overview

VALT is a video surveillance system that currently generates $9.7 million in revenue. It supports 2,500 IP cameras and serves 25,000 users daily across 650 organizations in the United States.

Key features of VALT include pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) capabilities, push-to-talk functionality, camera position presets, and scheduled recordings. Users can also add notes and time stamps, customize permissions, and export video transcriptions as PDF reports.

Motion detection function

The motion detection feature automatically triggers video recording. VALT also includes a word search function that makes it easy to find specific moments in a video. Simply type a word, and the system will highlight every instance where it was spoken.

In addition to traditional cameras, VALT allows users to connect smartphones and tablets as surveillance devices via its BEAM app.

Smartphones and tablets as surveillance cameras
Smartphones and tablets as surveillance cameras

Use Cases

  • Police Departments: VALT is used to record interrogations. Notes and time stamps make it easy to pinpoint critical moments for further analysis.
  • Medical Education Institutions: Training simulations are recorded to help students practice medical skills. The zoom feature allows for a detailed examination of important actions.
  • Child Advocacy Centers: Interviews with children are recorded, providing valuable information for future interactions with law enforcement.

Technologies We Used

  • Vue 3 - for user-friendly and clear user interface
  • Node.js and Symfony 5 - for developing scalable backend
  • - for real-time messaging and communication between the web browser and the server
  • Wowza Streaming Engine - for broadcasting high-quality video and audio
  • Amazon Transcribe - for speech-to-text conversion using AWS machine learning technology

Explore the VALT & Fora Soft development journey here

Interested in developing your video surveillance system? Contact us or book a quick call for a free personal consultation.

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  • Cases