Once the main development and testing are completed, we begin preparing for the product's launch. This is one of the most critical stages, and our team ensures that every aspect is thoroughly prepared to guarantee stable and efficient system performance from day one.
In this article, we will cover:
- the differences between releasing a new product and updating an existing system;
- how the system is deployed;
- the pre-launch checks we conduct.
If the Project Was Developed from Scratch
Demo Environment
When it's time to launch a product, the project team prepares a release build to showcase it to the client in a demo environment. This process is automated: a DevOps specialist writes scripts used for automated builds during updates. Before each update, the current version is also backed up to allow for a rollback if necessary.
A release build includes:
- code assembly (build), i.e. compiling the source code into an executable file or another format required to run the product;
- dependency integration, i.e. incorporating all necessary libraries and dependencies into the build;
- testing to verify functionality, performance, and security;
- building artifacts, i.e., creating the installation package or other components required to deploy the product;
- preparing user and technical documentation, installation guides, usage instructions, and support materials;
- packaging, i.e. assembling all components (executables, configuration files, libraries, documentation) into a single package;
- preparation for deployment, i.e. checking compatibility with target systems and platforms.
Deploying the System on the Client Server
After successful testing in the demo environment, the product is ready to be deployed on the client's server (production environment). The deployment process includes the following steps:
- Preparing the server: installing the necessary operating system and required packages (e.g., web servers, databases).
- Configuring the environment: setting up the environment that will support the system (e.g., configuring web servers like Apache, Nginx) and the database (e.g., MongoDB, MySQL).
- Deployment: transferring system files to the server, installing the system, and all dependencies.
- Setting up configuration files: connecting to databases, configuring caching, etc.
- Running the system: launching the system and checking the logs for errors.
For the next major update, we utilize seamless deployment, allowing system updates without interrupting its operation. This process is automated through CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Delivery).
Final Pre-Launch Verification
After deploying the system to the client's server, we perform a final check to ensure everything functions correctly. We verify that all external and internal services are working as expected (e.g., APIs, databases, payment systems).
Additionally, we conduct:
- Functional testing: Ensuring all core and critical functions of the system work as intended.
- Integration testing: Checking the interaction between different system components.
- Load testing: Assessing how the system handles increased loads, such as a large number of simultaneous users.
If We Were Working with an Already Finished Product
If the product is already live, the process of releasing an update closely mirrors that of a new project release. First, we test the system on a demo server to verify the changes:
- We run a copy of the current version with the data.
- Update the copy with the new version, including data migration while preserving all user data and ensuring backward compatibility.
After verification, we seamlessly update the main version, allowing users to continue working even during the upgrade.
Next Step
Once the system is up and running smoothly, our focus shifts to maintenance and timely updates. Upon the client’s request, we enhance the current version, add new features, and scale the system to accommodate a growing user base.
Regular updates and scaling will help adapt the system to evolving needs, ensuring its long-term competitiveness.
Ready to start working on a product and reach release together? Contact us or book a quick call for a free personal consultation.
Take a look at our other articles too:
Personalized Planning: Ideation, Personal Consultation, and Scoping
Personalized Planning: Requirements Clarification and Visualization
Product Development: Step-by-Step Approach to Product Creation
Ensuring Quality: Testing at Every Stage of Product Development