Video conference and chat

Video conference and text chat software development

project example


Fully legitimate online docs signing, cell phone calls, personalizable design, and Google / Outlook Calendars syncing. Everything you need for productive video meetings, and even more, is available in ProVideoMeeting.


GPT-based Meeting Assistant šŸ—“ļø

We can develop an AI-powered Virtual Assistant where users can chat and ask for information. It can make meeting notes, summaries, transcriptions, and key highlights. For example, it can help sales managers track client engagement in real-time, give tips to improve performance, and create post-meeting reports.
AI-enhanced branding šŸŽØ
Enhance the visual appeal of your video conference with AI-generated virtual backgrounds. Change color schemes and use your logo.

AI translation to any language šŸŒ

Users' speech can be translated into another language using AI. They will hear the translation in their preferred language, which sounds natural, like a real person, with correct intonation and pauses.

WebRTC videoconferenceĀ šŸŽ„

We develop for any number of participants:
  • One-on-one video chats
  • Video conferences with an unlimited number of participants
50 live videos on one screen at the same time was the maximum weā€™ve done. For example, Zoom has 100 live video participants, though it shows 25 live videos on one screen. To see the others, you switch between screens.
Some other functions: Custom backgrounds, enlarging videos of particular participants, picking a camera and microphone from the list, muting a camera and microphone, and a video preview of how you look.

Conference recording šŸŽ¬

Record the whole screen of the conference. Set the time to store recordings on the server. For example, on we keep videos for 30 days on a free plan and forever on the most advanced one.
Do not interrupt the recording if the recorder dropped off. In Zoom, if the recorder leaves, the recording stops. In it continues.
Screen sharing and sharing multiple screens simultaneously šŸ’»
Show your screen instead of a video. Choose to show everything or just 1 application ā€“ to not show private data accidentally.
Make all video participants share screens at the same time. Users donā€™t have to stop one sharing and start another one.

Join a conference from a landline phone ā˜Žļø

For those in the countryside without an Internet connection. Dial a phone number on a wired telephone or your mobile and enter the conference with audio, without a video. SIP technology with Asterisk and FreeSWITCH servers powers this function.
Text chatĀ šŸ’¬
Send text messages and emoticons. React with emojis. Send pictures and documents. Go to a private chat with one participant. See a list ofĀ participants.

Document editing and signingĀ šŸ–Š

Share a document on the conference screen. Scroll through it together, make changes. Sign: upload your signature image or draw it manually. Convenient for remote contract signing in the pandemic.
PollsĀ šŸ“‹
Create polls with open and closed questions. View statistics. Make the collective decision-making process faster!

Webinars šŸŽ™

In the broadcast mode, display a presentation full-screen to the audience, plus the presenterā€™s video. Add guest speakersā€™ videos. Record the whole session to share with participants afterward.
Everlasting rooms with custom linksĀ ā²ļø
Create a room and set a custom link to it like Itā€™s convenient for regular meetings. Ask participants to add the link to bookmarks and enter at the agreed time each time.

User management šŸ‘„

Assign administrators and delegate them the creation of rooms, addition, and deletion of users.
Security šŸ”
  • One-time codes instead of passwords
  • Host approves guests before they enter the conference
  • See a picture of the guest before approving him
  • Encryption: we enable AES-256 encryption in WebRTC

Custom branding šŸŽØ

Change color schemes, use your logo, change backgrounds to corporate images.
Speech-to-text and translationĀ šŸ—£
User speech is recognized and shown on the screen. It can be inĀ another language for translation.

Watch videos together online šŸ“ŗ

Watch a movie or a sports game together with friends. Show an employee onboarding video to the new staff members. Chat by video, voice, and text.
Subscription plans šŸ“
Free plans with basic functionality, advanced ones for pro and business users.


šŸ’¼ ļøBusinesses ā€“ corporate communication tools
šŸ”¬ ļøTelemedicine ā€“ HIPAA-compliant, with EMR, visit scheduling, and payments
šŸ« ļøE-learning ā€“ with whiteboards, LMS, teacher reviews, lesson booking, and payments
šŸ•¹ ļøEntertainment ā€“ online cinemas, messengers
šŸ’Ŗ ļøFitness and training
šŸ›ļø Ecommerce and marketplaces ā€“ text chats, demonstrations of goods and services by live video calls


We are developing video chat software for web as well as apps for PCs, tablets, mobile phones, and VR headsets.


for video chats and conferences
for streaming to third-party products like YouTube and Facebook
for connecting IP cameras
for broadcasting to a big audience
for calling to phone numbers
Basic technology
Different technologies suit best for different tasks.
Freelancer or an agency that does not specialize in video software may pick the technology they are best familiar with. It might be not the best for your tasks. In the worst case, youā€™ll have to throw the work away and redo it. We know all the video technologies well. So we choose whatā€™s best for your goal. If you need several of these features in one project ā€“ a mix of these technologies should be used.
WebRTC is the main technology almost always used for video conferences though.
This is the technology for media streaming in real-time that works across all browsers and mobile devices people now use. Google, Apple, and Microsoft support and develop it.

WebRTC supports VP8, VP9 and H264 Constrained Baseline profile for video and OPUS, G.711 (PCMA and PCMU) for audio. It allows sending video up to 8,192 x 4,320 pixels ā€“ more than 4K. So the limitations to video stream quality on WebRTC are the internet speed and device power of the end-user.

WebRTC video quality is better than in SIP-based video chats, as a study of an Indonesian university shows. See Figure 6 on page 9: Video test results and read the reasoning below it.
for video chats with 2-6 participants
for video conferences with 7 and more people
Third-party solutions
for ā€œquick and dirtyā€ prototypes
Is a media server needed for video conferencing software development?
For video chats with 2-6 participants, we develop p2p solutions. You donā€™t pay for the heavy video traffic on your servers. For video conferences with 7 and more people, we use media servers and bridges ā€“ Kurento is the 1st choice. For ā€œquick and dirtyā€ prototypes we can integrate third-party solutions ā€“ ready implementations of video chats with media servers that allow slight customization.
P2p video chats
P2p means video and audio go directly from sender to receivers. Streams do not have to go to a powerful server first. Computers, smartphones, and tablets people use nowadays are powerful enough to handle 2-6 streams without delays.

Many businesses do not need more people in a video conference. Telemedicine usually means just 2 participants: a doctor and a patient. The development of a video chat with a media server is a mistake here. Businesses would have to pay for the traffic going through the server not receiving any benefit.
Video conferences with a media server
Users cannot handle sending more than 5 outgoing video streams without lags now. Peopleā€™s computers, smartphones, and tablets are not powerful enough. While sending their own video, they accept incoming streams. So for more than 6 people in video chat ā€“ each sends just 1 outgoing stream to a media server. The media server is powerful enough to send this stream to each participant.
Kurento is our first choice of media servers now for 3 reasons:
It is reliable.
It was one of the first media servers to appear. So it gained the biggest community of developers. The more developers use technology the faster they solve issues, the quicker you find the answers to questions. This makes development quicker and easier, so you pay less for it.
Twilio bought Kurento technology for $8.5 million. Now Twilio provides the most reliable paid third-party video chat solution, based on our experience.
In 2021, other media servers have smaller developersā€™ and contributorsā€™ communities or are backed by not-so-big companies, based on our experience and impression. They either are not as reliable as Kurento or do not allow developing that many functions.
It allows adding the widest number of custom features.
From screen sharing to face recognition and more ā€“ we have not faced any feature that our client would want, not possible to develop with Kurento. To give developers this possibility, the Kurento contributors had to develop each one separately and polish it to a well-working solution. Other media servers did not have that much time and resources to offer the same.
It is free.
Kurento is open-source. It means you may use it in your products legally for free. You donā€™t have to pay royalties to the technology owner.
We work with other media servers and bridgesā€”when not that many functions are needed, or it is an existing product already using another media server:
We compare media servers and bridges regularly as all of them develop. Knowing your needs, we recommend the optimal choice.
Integration of third-party solutions
Third-party solutions are paid: you pay for minutes of usage. The development of a custom video chat is cheaper in the long run. Their features are also limited to what their developers developed. They are quicker to integrate and get a working prototype though. If you need to impress investors ā€“ we can integrate them. You get your app quicker and cheaper compared to the custom development. However, to replace it with a custom video chat later ā€“ youā€™ll have to throw away the existing implementation and develop a custom one. So, youā€™ll pay twice for the video component.
We use these 3-they are the most reliable ones based on our experience:


We develop custom applications tailored to your needs. Therefore, our process begins with drawing up a plan, designing a clickable prototype, and then providing you with an estimate. Only after this can we give you rough numbers for developmentā€”we don't know exact pricing and timelines in advance. However, here are some approximate guidelines:

The simplest video chat

~ 2-4 weeks Ā· $8,000
The simplest video chat component takes us 2-4 weeks and costs USD 8000. It is not a fully functioning system with login, subscriptions, booking, etc. ā€“ just the video chat with a text chat and screen sharing. Youā€™d integrate it into your website or app and it would receive user info from there.

The simplest fully functional video chat system

~ 4-5 months Ā· $56,000
The simplest fully functional video chat system takes us about 4-5 months and around USD 56 000. It is built from the ground up for one platform ā€“ either web or iOS or Android for example. Users register, pick a plan, and use the system.

A big video conferencing solution

~ 7 months Ā· $280,000
A big video conferencing solution development is an ongoing work. The 1st release takes about 7 months and USD 280 000.

Reach us, letā€™s discuss your project. After the 1st call, you get an approximate estimation.

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